
After discovering my passion for photography in high school, I attended the Savannah College of Art and Design to pursue my degree. Shortly after, I had my little girl, and documenting her growth is what drew me to specialize in families and children. Those little fingers and toes don’t stay little for long, and I’m a firm believer that every age & stage are worth capturing. 

Hi friends, I’m Abby!

Aside from photography, I’m also very passionate about advocating for mental health.

As someone who has both struggled with their mental health and lost a loved one to depression, photography carries an extra weight. It’s capturing the people and moments that make life worth living, and having those memories and reminders to hold onto. I also have a deep-rooted love for animals- we’re a household of vegetarians along with our rescue pup and three cats, and I love when families want to incorporate their pets into a session.